quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

Sob o título "Atenção, a matéria é extremamente desagradavel e chocante", menino brasileiro exposto como objeto sexual em parada gay choca o mundo todo.

Young Boy at ‘Pride’ Event Praised by LGBTs for Dancing Sexually to ‘Fight Homophobia’

Editors note: I warn you, this is extremely disgusting and troubling. It is, however, where our nations are heading. The sexual anarchist agenda steamrolls ahead and children are in the cross-hairs. 

The organized “LGBT” lobby has long lusted for the abolition of all age of consent laws. While not all “gays” are child abusers, pederasty has been a central aspect of the homosexual lifestyle since the days of the Greek bathhouse. – Matt Barber

I was shocked and taken aback by a young boy grinding and twerking at a 2015 Gay Pride event, while LGBT attendees gathered around him, watching and cheering.

The near-naked boy was shirtless and wearing tiny short-shorts while dancing sexually in the middle of a circle to RuPaul’s song “Sissy That Walk.” The group encouraged the child as he grinded and twerked.

The child, who is no older than 12 years old,  was praised by Gay Star News for using sexually explicit “dance moves” to “fight homophobia.”

YouTube even restricted the video as being inappropriate.

This is further proof that the homosexual movement is not about equality, but about the normalization of sexual perversion. It also reveals that it is just a matter of time before pedophilia will be promoted under the “LGBT’ banner. 

(tradução: Esta é mais uma prova de que o movimento sexual não procura a igualdade (de direitos)mas a regulamentação da perversão sexual.Revela, igualmente, que a regulamentação da pedofilia será logo incentivada pelo movimento LGBT).

Source: barbwire.com

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