sexta-feira, novembro 14, 2014
Facsímile da cabeça da reportagem sobre a ameaça comunista do PT no Brasil publicada no site canadense Canada Free Press |
Ao contrário da grande imprensa brasileira, veículos de mídia em nível internacional começam a dirigir seus olhares para o que está acontecendo no Brasil, como é o caso do site canadense de notícias 'Canada Free Press'. Além disso, jornalistas correspondentes de agências internacionais de notícias e grandes jornais de escala e influência internacionais darão destaque às manifestações previstas para o próximo sábado, dia 15 de novembro, que ocorrerão em diversos Estados brasileiros, principalmente em grandes cidades e capitais.
Previamente, deverão participar de entrevista coletiva a órgãos de mídia internacionais nesta sexta-feira, ouvindo as principais lideranças das manifestações deste 15 de novembro, data consagrada à Proclamação da República.
Nesta matéria postada no site 'Canada Free Press', que transcrevo abaixo a primeira parte no original em inglês com link para leitura completa, assuntos que foram transformados em tabus pela grande mídia brasileira, com destaque para Folha de S. Paulo, Estadão e Rede Globo, são abordados pelo texto desse site canadense.
Dentre eles a ação do Foro de São Paulo, a organização comunista transnacional fundada por Lula e Fidel Castro em 1990, que objetiva transformar todos os países latino-americanos em Repúblicas Comunistas Bolivarianas, a exemplo da Venezuela. O plano do Foro de São Paulo é transformar todo o continente sul-americano num apêndice de Cuba.
Esse mesmo site também aborda as denúncias de fraude eleitoral na recente eleição presidencial no Brasil, citando a famigerada empresa venezuelana Smartmatic, sobre a qual pesam acusações de fraudes em eleições na Venezuela, Filipinas e outros países.
Destaca que a Smartmatic também é objeto de investigação por parte dos Estados Unidos. Apesar de todas essas denúncias contra a Smartmatic, o Tribunal Superior Eleitoral contratou essa empresa para operar todo o sistema de voto eletrônico no Brasil. Para saber mais sobre a Smartmatic, leiam esta postagem especial que destaquei aqui no blog.
Transcrevo na íntegra em inglês o texto postado no site 'Canada Free Press' cujo título por si só já é uma advertência para todos os brasileiros. Em tradução livre, diz o título da matéria: "O Brasil no caminho do comunismo bolivariano". No preâmbulo da matéria, o site canadense afirma: O que separa o destino do Brasil de terrível realidade da Venezuela é o fato de que o Foro de São Paulo, através do Partido dos Trabalhadores, ainda não dominou completamente a mídia, nem os militares, e nem as forças policiais do país".
Segue a parte inicial da reportagem em inglês com link para leitura completa:
The election was turbulent, marred by allegations of corruption and embezzlement of public funds by the Rousseff campaign. One witness under a plea deal has linked Rousseff and former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, (Lula) to a billionaire fraud in Petrobras, Brazil’s biggest oil company. The company is now under criminal investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice.
Bolivarianism and the Sao Paulo Forum
The socialists displayed
sordid attitudes during the election. A campaign of psychological
terror was unleashed against poor people through phone calls and texting
with threats that their food allowance would end if they didn’t vote
for Rousseff.
The same kind of campaign incited the prejudice and
confrontation between southern Brazilians—whose majority voted against
Rousseff in the first round of the election - and northern.
Also, a few
days before the election, members of the Socialist Youth Union - a
pro-Rousseff communist group - vandalized the building of the media
group that had denounced the government corruption during the election.
All this happened without any kind of punishment by police or election
Although the
international media reported the election as democratic, this is not the
perception of a significant portion of the Brazilian population. There
is evidences of fraud in the election voting machines. Voters
complained, for example, that the machines were electronically switching
votes from the defeated candidate to Rousseff - in much the same way
that happened in the midterm election in Maryland and Illinois, US.
company responsible for the reliability of the voting machines is
Smartmatic, a Venezuelan company involved in allegations of voting
frauds in Venezuela and the Philippines, that was under investigation by US authorities.
The Superior Electoral
Court, the highest court of the election in Brazil, is chaired by a
Workers Party former lawyer.
The defeated candidate, Aecio Neves, who
belongs to the Social Democratic Party, accepted the result swiftly and
without question. People are outraged and there is no leadership to give
them voice. This growing wave of outrage is taking to the streets, with
protests in major cities across the country calling for an audit in the
election and in the voting machines, an investigation of complaints
and, if proven, the impeachment of President Rousseff.
All this is being
distorted by the Brazilian mainstream media, which describes the
protesters - peaceful young and grandparents with their families,
children and pets - as right-wing extremists asking for a military
and the Workers Party implanted a Bolivarian communism in Brazil. And
that should concern the Americans as well, because the growth of
Bolivarian regimes in Latin American is the result of a major plan put
into action by an international enemy called Sao Paulo Forum.
The Sao
Paulo Forum is the most powerful political organization in Latin
America. It was created in the 90s by Fidel Castro and Lula to “recover in Latin America what was lost in Eastern Europe”, in Lula’s words.
As in
any communist organization, the ties between the Sao Paulo Forum and the
mafias are the spine of this Leviathan. The drug smuggling in the
continent is done by radical guerrilla members, such as the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), and is coordinated in
accordance to the interests of the revolutionary command.
Or, as Fidel Castro stated to Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, “Drugs will erode capitalism from the inside”.
The criminal activities reach the Brazilian heartland by means of local
criminal organizations, such as the First Capital Command (PCC) in the
state of Sao Paulo and the Red Command (CV) in Rio de Janeiro - a fact that is even recognized by the Council on Foreign Relations.
The roots of such dark activities is evidenced by the direct involvement of the Workers Party elected members and the PCC. Now, evidence is being revealed about the links between the PCC and radical islamic groups, such as the Hezbollah (, in Portuguese only), which is, by no means, a surprise, given the pledge for ‘dialogue’ with ISIS terrorists delivered by Rousseff at the U.N.
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